Tuesday, 29 October 2019 19:26

Treat Sagging Skin Naturally

If you have ever looked at a piece of crepe paper, you’ll totally understand how sagging skin can look. It refers to a skin type that looks thin, wrinkled and loose.

One need not be old to get sagging skin, however it mainly occurs due to aging, generally in those over 40, or individuals who have lost weight rapidly. Loose and saggy skin can take hold at an earlier age if you’re someone who drinks less water and has dry skin. There is also some suggestion that it could be to do with genetics too. Overexposure to sun and heat damage can also cause your skin to look dull and flaccid, eventually leading to sagging skin.

The whole process occurs because the natural elastin fibers in your skin get weakened due to all of the reasons mentioned above, and it is a part of the natural aging process. Some more of the reasons for developing saggy skin include the use of some medications, poor diet and a high intake of sugar, caffeine or alcohol. A lack of sufficient sleep and even everyday pollution and UV damage!

Even though the loss of elastin is a natural process, and will eventually happen to us all, there are ways we can look after our skin, and slow down the sagging!

Most people have invested in some anti-aging skincare products at some point, and these products are often overly priced, and not all of them give us the desired results.

To save you money, and effectively care for your skin health, we have listed some of the best natural ways to keep your skin youthful.

1. Green Tea

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Image source - unsplash

Green tea is a great way to clean the toxins out of your skin. You can enjoy drinking the tea, while also reusing the tea bags as facial masks. Rub a tea bag on the face and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing. The antioxidants in the green tea are great at minimizing pores and lift the skin.

2. Ginger

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The antioxidant gingerol, found in ginger is an excellent remedy for aging skin. It can protect your skin from the collagen break down and can actually make your skin look youthful and bright. Make sure to add some to your tea every morning, or cut up some fresh ginger and add to hot water for a refreshing drink.

3. Banana

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Banana is an excellent natural remedy for making skin fresh and lifted instantly, and it naturally boosts collagen production. Just mash half a banana and apply it all over your face and neck, let it dry, then gently scrub off and rinse the skin with water.

4. Olive Oil

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The monounsaturated fats in the olive oil can help to prevent the new wrinkles from developing and treats the old ones too. Massage into your skin on a daily basis and start seeing the difference. It works very well to tighten and hydrate skin on the upper arms.

5. Avocado

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Charged with vitamin A, D, and E, this superfood can lubricate your skin and provide it the extra hydration to make it feel plump and soft again. Eat more avocados, or just make a mask with mashed avocado, and feel the difference once you start using it regularly.

6. Aloe Gel

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Image source - unsplash

It consists of beta carotene and vitamin E, regular use of aloe gel can make skin plump and can reduce wrinkles and sagging skin too. Rub over some like your daily moisturizer or use the fresh plant pulp and mix with milk or water before drinking daily. Both ways it’s going to work wonders.

7. Cucumber

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Image source - unsplash

Cucumber can brighten up your complexion and give your skin that hydrating punch. It’s rich in magnesium and potassium, which promotes healing. Rub some cucumber slices all over your face, and it will instantly make you feel refreshed.

8. Orange

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Image source - unsplash

Vitamin C is the key ingredient in most of the anti-aging products and what’s better than using it in its pure form. Take some fresh juice in the morning, drinking it can detox your body from within while rubbing a drop or two on your face every day, can make skin look brighter and youthful.

9. Honey

Image source - unsplash

In order to get rid of saggy skin on upper arms, honey can work well. It is a great moisturizer and can also help to heal your skin too. Consider having honey in your morning detox or just rub some honey all over your skin, massage for a while, then rinse with water to see amazing effects.

10. Egg Whites

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Image source - unsplash

These are rich in omega and can naturally tighten your skin. Make a face pack by mixing one egg white with a spoonful of lemon juice, and leave it on your face until it’s all dry. Wash off and pat dry. Repeat once a week to see the results.

Now that you know some of nature’s best ways to make skin youthful again, the most important thing to remember is to stay hydrated, be consistent and patient, and get ready to see things work.

Published in Blog