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Published in Beauty
Wednesday, 26 January 2022 20:32

Spotted! The 10 Biggest Hair Removal Mistakes

In 2021, an estimated 980 thousand women in the UK used hair removal products once a day or more (statista) - that is a lot of razor heads and wax strips! Are you aware of the most common mistakes we make when shaving or waxing? An expert told us...

hair removal Courtesy of Sparkle PR

Our trusted waxing expert and founder of Sugar Coated, Rosie Khandwala, reveals the 10 biggest mistakes women are making when it comes to DIY hair removal.

Shaving Mistakes

woman shaving her legsPh. KoolShooters, Pexels

1. Not Storing Your Razors Properly
"Storing razors in the shower leads to corroding and weaker blades. You should clean and dry razors after each use and store them outside of the bathroom to avoid moisture and extend their shelf-life."

2. Not Prepping Your Skin With A Hot Towel
"Prepping your skin with a hot towel before you shave will soften the hairs allowing for a closer shave. Never prep your skin with cold water since this can make it more difficult for the shaving cream to fully penetrate the skin and be effective."

3. Neglecting To Exfoliate
"Exfoliating your skin before you wax, or shave will enable you to achieve smoother results. Exfoliating on a regular basis can also help to prevent ingrown hairs."

4. Not Shaving In The Direction Of Hair Growth
"You should always shave in the direction of hair growth. Shaving against the grain can cause irritation and increase the chances of razor bumps."

5. Shaving In The Morning
"When you sleep your legs can swell which makes shaving in the morning less than optimal. Shaving at night will allow you to get a closer shave."

Waxing Mistakes

hair removal gf71b7616a 1280Ph. flaviasaad, Pixabay

Rosie says "Waxing is having a real viral moment right now due to the aftermath of the lockdowns."  You would be surprised but #Waxing has 9.6 Billion views on TikTok!

1. Waxing Right Before Or After Your Period
"If you’re extra sensitive to discomfort, avoid waxing right before, during or after your period. Hormonal fluctuations during these times can make waxing more painful. Instead, opt for a wax mid-cycle."

2. Exfoliating Right After You Wax
"You need to let the treated areas rest for at least 2 full days before it’s safe to exfoliate. Exfoliating prior to that can be very painful and result in redness and irritation."

Laser Hair Removal Mistakes

sugar coated body wax Source: Sugar Coated

1. Expecting Permanent Results
"Despite often being marketed as providing permanent results, laser hair removal simply offers significant hair reduction and won’t get rid of hair forever. Occasional touch-ups will be needed in order to keep you smooth."

2. Not Shaving Before Treatment
"Shaving before treatment ensures that the hair follicle will be destroyed. Any residual hairs will prevent the laser’s heat from fully penetrating the hair shaft. It can also cause the treatment to be more painful."

3. Neglecting After Care
"Your skin will be extra sensitive and more susceptible to skin damage afterwards. Wear sunscreen to prevent hyperpigmentation. Avoid hot showers and steam rooms for at least two full days to let your skin heal."

Rosie says "choosing the correct hair removal method is so personal to the consumer, a lot of thought goes into it such as time, money, results. When creating Sugar Coated I set to make something that gave salon-worthy results, without breaking the bank, or taking too long to master."

"Sugar Coated sugar wax is 100% natural and the only UK manufactured wax that is vegan and cruelty-free. This means our formula of just pure sugar syrup and water is gentler on the skin, and more effective for hair removal as it sticks directly onto hair and pulls them straight out from the root - giving you smooth results each time."

You can find Sugar Coated Sugar Wax Full Body Kit available at Feel Unique (£12.99 for 250g). 

Are you making any of these mistakes? You are still in time to shave or wax correctly and get rid of unwanted body hair the right way and for longer.

Published in Blog

Hair removal is an important part of a woman’s routine. Not only is hair removal preferred for a beautiful look but it also has other benefits.

Published in Beauty
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