Tuesday, 04 May 2021

5 top tips to boost your social media engagement

Written by Callum Taylor
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Cristian Rojas

More of us are looking for ways to beat social media algorithms, with searches for ‘algorithm meaning', ‘new Insta algorithm’, and ‘TikTok algorithm’ increasing by up to 550% since last year.

With many using social media as a source of income, it is no surprise that creators are looking for some extra guidance!

Lickd’s team of social media experts has put together its five top tips to help you maximise your audience engagement on an influencer scale.

1. Be Your Authentic Self

People want to see the personality behind social media accounts, not just faceless content. Create genuine connections with your audience and they’ll be more likely to engage with your posts and find value in the content you’re creating.

If you are partnering with brands, make sure you believe in the products you are promoting and they are of interest to your audience. People will quickly unfollow if ads feel irrelevant or forced.

2. Consistency Is Key

Consistently posting high-quality content on social media helps to attract followers and boost engagement. Do not focus on going viral, focus on always providing your audience with relevant content that represents a real value to them. This approach is much more likely to get your audience showing up for your next post or video. We suggest posting once or twice a day (minimum) to keep your feed fresh and your audience engaged.

The algorithmic structure of some platforms means that the time that you post can be crucial to maximising engagement. The recommended time to post varies from expert to expert and also depends on when your audience is most active. To find out your perfect time to post, use insight and analytics features on socials to uncover when your followers are most engaged.

3. Experiment With Different Platforms

TikTok and Instagram reels are starting to dominate the online space, moving video content firmly into the first position when it comes to the most popular content formats. This kind of short-form content is a great way to show off your personality, build connections with your audience and attract new followers.

Remember when Instagram stories were the latest new trend? Now over 500 million people use the feature daily. Embrace new features and platforms, especially if your audience is engaging with them, early adopters can often have the best success with new platforms.

4. Know your audience

This is an important one. It is hard to engage people if you do not know who your audience is. Understanding your public will help you to determine what networks to be on, when to post, your tone of voice, and your type of content.

Your community of followers is the ears on the ground. They may see and engage with trends way before you, so listening to them is a great way to stay relevant.

5. Create valuable content

Think of content as a two-way conversation. You start the conversation by posting a video, image, or text and your audience responds through engagements, comments, likes, shares, etc. But this will only happen if your audience finds something of value in your content.

Built-in platform features have made it easier than ever to go further than the standard post - create polls, hold competitions, and do live Q&A sessions. These kinds of interactive formats create value for your audience and in turn, can help you understand your target audience better. It is a cyclical process that can lead to better engagement and growth.

Eleana Overett, Social Media and Community Manager at Lickd comments:

"The best piece of advice I've ever been given is  'Don't optimise for '"The Algorithm". Optimise for people, because the algorithm is trying to work out what PEOPLE like to watch. The more you tweak your thumbnails, your titles, and your content to tug at the heartstrings of real people, the more successful you'll be at " beating the algorithm"'."