Monday, 27 June 2022

Get your morning glow with Wake Skincare

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Some of us jump out of bed for simple pleasures. A peck on the cheek from our energetic little ones or the anticipation of opening a new bag of coffee to get our morning started. 

If you are not too military about your morning routine, an occasional change in your setup can make a big difference in your motivation. We are highlighting one quick switch up in your self care that can compare quite equally to kisses and coffee too!

Wake Skincare has launched their facial skin cleanser to brighten your morning routine.

The speed of how we tackle our day depends on what gets us moving.Wake Skincare’s range is naturally intended to fulfil the basic need of a vibrant morning whether you happen to be that lucky early riser or a reluctant snoozer running behind before you even open your eyes.

If you don't like the idea of the atlantic sea spraying all over your face to quench your desert plain pores, then a gentle but refreshing cleanser might just fit your requirements.

At this point, we will say, we are not new to this brand, in fact, we are quite a fan of Wake Skincare. Which is why we got excited about their newly launched facial cleanser and just had to try it out.

We liked the gel-based and hydrating formula and how it comes alive as a foaming face wash. Upon contact against our morning skin, it gave our skin’s surface instant relief from dryness, and retained moisture all day.

We love that it's a vegan-friendly cleanser giving a gente removal of daily grime, nothing too intensive or abrasive. Despite the gentle cleansing effect, it provided our skin with a deep cleanse feel. The product says it helps to minimise the appearance of pores whilst leaving the skin feeling hydrated, but we guess with prolonged use, time will only tell!!.

Should you forget to remove your makeup the night before, we think this cleanser has a place on your vanity cabinet shelf for emergency and daily care.

Product Review

“My skin is sensitive to heat and the constant changes with the British weather so I prefer not to mess around with complicated ingredients to nourish my face. Especially with a cleanser, to use twice a day, it has to be gentle. This cleanser definitely does what it says, my skin felt fresh but not stripped of its natural barrier. So I can say my skin was comfortable before I moisturised. I am curious how well it will take care of my skin after prolonged use. Let's say, to be continued?” - Fashions Finest Director Deborah St Louis

You can get your hands on Wake Skincare’s Facial Cleanser is available at £9.99 from

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