Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Charlie Betty Beauty, a Community of Colour-loving People

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Courtesy of Charlie Betty Beauty

Charlie Betty Beauty uses colours on a human, more sympathetic scale. Makeup has much to do with our mood and, after all, chromotherapy has undoubted benefits for our wellbeing!

Many brands populated the net amidst the pandemic, but Charlie Betty Beauty came to life differently: from an empowering community on Facebook to people's faces, happy faces.

About The Brand And Charlie Miller

This story is pretty unique; it brought a ray of hope with the power of colours. Charlie Betty Beauty is an independent brand born in 2020 when the world was in that sudden pause. Fear and gloom but also pawing for something new made the lockdown a historically distinctive time.

Back to Charlotte... Beauty has always played a role in Charlotte Miller's life, helping her in the bluest moments. Playing with makeup was an anchor and a lifebelt when depression or anxiety were taking over. During the big lockdown, Charlotte created a Facebook community to support people facing stress and mental health issues like hers: a friendly place to meet, talk and empower each other. Beauty and fashion - as common as they might sound - cheered and lifted the group's spirit. Charlotte felt safe and strong there; the group was a nurturing net from which the idea of Charlie Betty Beauty was seeded.

The core idea of the brand was to empower, encourage and help people thanks to their favourite game: makeup. Besides dealing with her struggles, Charlotte has been feeling out of place for a very long time; makeup was key to finding herself and her strength.

About The Star Product

Charlie Betty Beauty launched with one product that represents Charlotte, her journey and her mission: The Earth Palette. In its storyboard, The Earth Palette recalls Charlotte's spiritual development. Its case, a mysterious casket, encloses 18 highly pigmented pressed pigments and eyeshadows in earthy shades taken from natural surroundings. It is cruelty-free and vegan. The earth element unfolds in its luscious greens, powerful browns and winks of gold. The Earth Palette (RPP £28, now £19.60) inspires you to reconnect with your base and to go back to Nature. Charlotte's palette, the palette of her community, suggests getting creative and having fun to let your true person shine with confidence. The colour palette, concept and aesthetic is perfect alchemy.

The curve of life can swiftly go up and reach new levels of positivity and self-love. Charlie Betty Beauty has the right place and tool for you to raise your spirit.

Join Charlie Betty Beauty Facebook community and discover her makeup range online.