Friday, 22 November 2019

Daily Practices to Improve Your Health and Wellness

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Getting and staying healthy can be challenging amid the throes of everyday life.

Even if you have the motivation, the busyness of work, family and other aspects can make planning and sticking to good habits difficult and frustrating. However, making manageable changes to your everyday life that foster your head-to-toe health is possible. Here are a few healthy practices that you can implement each day:

Eat For Wellness

It’s no secret that eating well contributes to a healthier life. However, it’s not always easy to implement good eating habits day-to-day, and there are many fad diets that emphasize weight loss that may not be the best path to take. Before starting a diet that could do you more harm than good, research a variety of options and consult your doctor or a certified nutrition coach. That way, you get a professional opinion that’s tailored to your unique needs. Once you begin following the right diet, you may start to find that you enjoy healthier foods. That’s when eating healthy becomes easier. No matter how well you eat, you may still need to take a daily multivitamin if your body isn’t getting all the nutrients it needs. A quality multivitamin can benefit you in many ways, including raising your mood and energy and enhancing the health of your skin and hair.

Take Care Of Your Teeth

It’s also important to pay attention to your oral health. Not only is it related to several other parts of your body, but it can also play a role in your mental health. Plus, it’s quite easy to maintain oral health. Be sure to consistently brush your teeth and floss. Also, go to the dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings. If you don’t have a dentist, or if you need a new one due to finances or convenience, you can find a dentist using an online dentist locator. It’s important to note that Medicare doesn’t cover dental care, so if you’re a senior on Medicare, you’ll need to sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan for this coverage.

Don’t Skip Those Annual Exams

Just like scheduling checkups with your dentist, it’s important to stay up on your physical checkups with your doctor. Although nobody really enjoys going to the doctor, it’s important when we’re trying to keep our health and wellness in check. Not only can your physician give you some pointers to improve your overall well-being, but he or she can also catch potential problems before they become serious issues. Fortunately, most insurance plans cover one wellness checkup per year, including Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans.

Focus On Whole-you Wellness

Medical and dental care is crucial to your well-being, but these are often not enough. Living your best life means caring for yourself from the inside out, and not just by eating right. Meditation is one example of a mind-body practice that can help you overcome stress and tune into your needs.

Get Fit

Exercise is one of the best habits you can add to your life for overall health and wellness. A regular fitness routine can reduce the risks of disease, strengthen muscles and bones, improve balance and flexibility, and help with weight management, among other physical benefits. Exercise is essential for mental and emotional health as well:

  • It releases endorphins and other “feel good” chemicals in the brain.
  • It improves concentration and productivity.
  • It reduces stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms.
  • It facilitates brain function and delays cognitive decline.
  • It promotes better sleep.

Despite all of its benefits, exercise is often the one area where people get behind when it comes to their health. With a little encouragement, however, most people can find a routine they love. Contact Breath Of Life Chiropractic and Wellness Center today for a no-obligation consultation with a professional personal trainer. In addition to personal training, ask about the 8 Weeks To Wellness program to jumpstart your diet and exercise goals.

Watch Your Back

Your body is comprised of many systems. One of these is the nervous system, and your back is nervous system central. If it’s out of alignment, you won’t feel your best. Consider adding chiropractic care and massage to your arsenal of self-care techniques. Chiropractic adjustments can alleviate page, increase energy levels, and loosen tight muscles. Massage has many of the same benefits, plus gentle pressure on the muscles can enhance your body’s circulation.

Catch Some Zs

Making sure you get enough sleep is another way to improve your head-to-toe health. Sleep is often the first thing we sacrifice when life gets busy, but rest is how our bodies and minds process the events of the day and regenerate for the following day. Without it, we can’t function at full capacity. In other words, getting enough sleep will go a long way in keeping you healthy, productive and happy. Whether you have to rearrange your schedule or change your bedtime routine, get the sleep you need and deserve.

Prioritize Joy

Finally, make time to do something enjoyable. It can be anything relaxing and/or fun that is unrelated to your daily obligations and that helps you unwind. Maybe there’s a hobby from your childhood that can be rekindled. Maybe there’s an activity you’ve always wanted to try but have never found the time. Maybe you already have a hobby or activity that you do occasionally, and you need to do it more often. Whatever it is, be intentional about prioritizing it each week. Relaxation and fun can relieve stress, and help you maintain a healthy perspective on life.

There are practical ways to improve and maintain your all-around health and wellness. Find a diet that meets your needs, and prioritize your oral health. Start exercising regularly, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Lastly, figure out ways to relax and have fun, and make it a part of your weekly routine. Forming good habits is the key to obtaining head-to-toe health.